Closed Legends restaurant, compensation study, CDGB grant reallocation on UG agenda tonight

The Unified Government Commission will discuss a compensation study and Backfire BBQ, a closed Legends restaurant, at its 5 p.m. special session tonight.

The session will begin at 5 p.m. with a closed discussion on personnel and labor, and the other two topics will begin immediately after the closed discussion, according to the meeting announcement.

Then the regular UG meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

The CDBG reallocation and grant application is on the 7 p.m. agenda tonight. This was a previously controversial issue for the UG Commission.

The amount of unallocated funds for CDBG is $608,000, according to UG agenda documents.

At the Monday night Administration and Human Service Committee meeting, UG staff wanted this revised application to be fast-tracked to the Thursday full UG Commission meeting.

An application has been developed to solicit projects or services for using CDBG funds, according to the agenda information. Earlier this year, the funding was controversial as some segments of the community said they were not aware that CDBG applications could be accepted for bricks and mortar building projects this year.

A copy of the proposed CDBG grant application is attached to the agenda document.

Several planning and zoning items also are on the agenda.

Several other topics also are on the agenda. The meeting agenda is at