Classes to begin Aug. 15 for most KCKPS students

New student enrollment starts Aug. 3

First day of school
There are two official start days for the 2016-2017 school year for students in the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools.

Monday, Aug. 15, will be the first full day of classes for K-5 (except New Stanley Elementary), plus 6th grade students at all middle schools (except Northwest Middle) and 9th grade students at Washington, Wyandotte, Schlagle and Harmon high schools. At Sumner Academy of Arts and Science, 8th graders plus students new to Sumner Academy will begin classes on Monday, Aug. 15. There will be a full day of classes for students at all grade levels on Tuesday, Aug. 16.

New Stanley Elementary School and Northwest Middle School follow a different school schedule. Here is their start schedule:

New Stanley Elementary School
• July 27, Students Report/Early Dismissal
• July 27-29, Early Dismissal/Home Visits
• Aug. 1, Regular Schedule for Students

Northwest Middle School

• Aug. 2, First Day of School for 6th Graders
• Aug. 3, First Day of School for All Students

For pre-kindergarten students, Monday, Aug. 15, will be Family Advocacy, and the first full day of school for students will be Tuesday, Aug. 16.

Enrollment information
Elementary students new to the district should contact the school they will attend for information about enrollment. To find out which elementary school your child should attend, contact Student Services at 913-279-2248. High school and middle school students who are new to the district must enroll during the New Student Enrollment at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59th St., on one of the following dates/times:

• Wednesday, Aug. 3, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Thursday, Aug. 4, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
• Friday, Aug. 5, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Parents are asked to bring the following with them when they enroll their student:
 Current immunization records (Students may not enroll without shots being up-to-date)
 Birth certificate
 Transcript
 Proof of residency (One of the following: mortgage/lease agreement; utility bill or mail with the parent’s name and current address; or driver’s license with current address. Mail addressed to “resident” is not acceptable.)
 Proof of guardianship

The Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools follows state regulations regarding immunizations for students. All students must comply with these regulations to attend school.

All students returning to school for the 2016-2017 school year must be current on their immunizations.

Parents of returning students who are in need of additional immunizations before the fall, have been notified by letter. Please make plans to have your children immunized before the new school year begins.

Details about immunizations are posted on the district’s website at under “Parent Info” and “Student Health.”

Early release Wednesdays

Each Wednesday during the school year, building staff come together in professional development sessions in order to strengthen their skills, practices, values and expectations, in order to improve student achievement.

To allow for this professional development time, students at all grade levels are released two hours early each Wednesday. (The exception is half-day preschool students who do not attend school on Wednesdays).

Parent and student handbook
The Student Services Department of the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools has updated the Parent and Student Handbook to serve as a communications resource for families.

The handbook includes enrollment information, information about student health and safety, district policies, student support programs and services, and much more.

The handbook will be provided to all families at the beginning of the school year. It also is available online in both English and Spanish:

– Information from the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools