City Planning Commission to meet tonight

The Kansas City, Kansas, City Planning Commission is scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8.

The agenda includes:

6720 Berger Ave. and 6716 Berger Ave., final plat to combine lots.

4732 State Ave. – A change of zone petition from planned limited business district to planned general business district to add a fuel island for a fueling station – convenience store rebuild.

13310 Leavenworth Road – A change of zone petition from Wyandotte County agriculture district to single-family district to crease one single-family residential lot in the Crown Royal Addition.

3600 Rainbow Blvd. – A change of zone from planned apartment district to planned high-rise apartment district for a new 228-unit apartment building, Michael Berenbom with Hudson Apartments.

449 N. 86th St. – A change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district to build accessory structures and farming activity.

2211 N. 13th St. – A change of zone from non-retail business district to two-family district for a single-family residence at 2211 N. 13th St.

731 Tenny Ave. – A change of zone from single-family district to two-family district to bring existing non-conforming duplex into compliance.

1315 N. 86th St. – A special use permit for two horses on residential property.

13310 Leavenworth Road – Final plat for one single family lot in conjunction with a change from county agriculture district to single-family district.

5209 N. 101st Terrace – Preliminary plat, estates of Connor Creek Fourth Plat, for 70 residential lots, Jose Maderos with Maderos Property LLC.

70a N. 7th St. – Consideration of Kansas City, Kansas, Landmarks Ordinance.

The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 8.

On the BOZA agenda is an appeal for two variances at 13310 Leavenworth Road.

Also on the BOZA agenda is an appeal that would allow a developer to demolish two apartment buildings to build a five-story apartment building over a two-story parking garage at 3600 Rainbow Blvd.

Also being appealed is 2211 N. 13th St., three variances in a change of zone for an existing duplex.

Also being appealed is a variance from the interior side yard setback at 150 N. 74th St.

For information on how to connect to the Zoom meeting, visit

To see the CPC agenda, visit