Church plans Ash Wednesday worship service

The First Christian Church of Bonner Springs, 148 N. Nettleton, will hold a traditional community Ash Wednesday worship service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10.

Ash Wednesday is a day of going new directions in life and it marks the beginning of Lent, said Pastor Randy Beeman. Ashes were used in ancient times, according to the Bible, to express mourning. Dusting oneself with ashes was the person’s way of expressing sorrow for faults.

Pastor Beeman cited an ancient example of one expressing one’s penitence, found in Job 42:3-6. Job says to God: “I have heard of you: but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (vv. 5–6)

Worship at 7 p.m. on Wednesday as a sign of turning away from the things that separate us from God with the sign of the ashes. For more information go to or call 913-441-3876.