Chiefs reportedly consider new stadium in Kansas

A remark attributed to the Kansas City Chiefs president about considering options for a new stadium in Kansas has been creating a stir lately in Wyandotte County.

The Chiefs president, Mark Donovan, was quoted as saying Kansas developers have approached him about building a stadium in Wyandotte County. The Chiefs have played at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, for decades.

They are located next to Kauffman Stadium, where the Kansas City Royals play. The Royals have indicated they are interested in moving their stadium to downtown Kansas City, Missouri.

Tweets from Kevin Clark of the Ringer NFL Show attributed remarks about moving the stadium to the Chiefs president recently.

The topic was a surprise to many here, and resulted in questions wondering whether the franchise was fielding several stadium options in order to negotiate on its lease.

Greg Kindle, president of the Wyandotte Economic Development Council, stated he could not comment specifically on the possibility of the Chiefs relocating to Wyandotte County.

“But we will talk to any development who sees value in what Wyandotte County has to offer and wants to be a contributor to our community,” Kindle stated.

2 thoughts on “Chiefs reportedly consider new stadium in Kansas”

  1. Wyandotte county does not need a sports team that has been bleeding KC Mo of money. We already have two bleeders…the race track and the Legends. Remember when Wyandotte county was selling residents on these “destination” places, that would bring hundreds of thousands of people to these venues and that the revenue generated would help reduce property taxes and create jobs. Was that ever a lie. First off property taxes were never lowered. Secondly, what jobs? Statistically the county average is around 7%. If they want to move to Kansas, let them pay for their own stadium and expenses. Wyandotte county doesn’t need to be bled dry.

  2. I recall a few years ago a topic about a new baseball stadium on the open forum of TKC. I was one of two, maybe three people, who brought up a downtown location. At first I was just causing static because I was on the KS side thinking any unforeseen problems wouldn’t have nothing to do with me since I lived on the other side. Then the what about traffic and parking issues came to light – what to do. My idea was starting around the 22nd st. area and or coming from the plaza/Broadway area was to simply construct to entry/exit highways/roads to the proposed downtown location. As I envisioned at the time there was no way baseball would work downtown with not having enough room to move around. Apparently one other individual thought a new stadium was plausible – he was more familiar with the area than I was. Then some of the heirarchy of KC must of noticed what was being discussed at TKC. I don’t know, maybe it can be done one day but again, I was just trying to create some static using a keyboard that day to help fight off some boredom. About the Chiefs? Why ruin a good thing going? Stay there.

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