Check on elderly, pets during bitter cold temperatures

The Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department has responded to two calls about exposure to the cold weather within the last 24 hours, a spokesman said.

The two patients were taken to the hospital.

The Fire Department spokesman said two passersby called 911 when they saw the two individuals.

The public is asked to be mindful of people who may be exposed to the cold temperatures, the Fire Department said.

Residents are asked to check on their elderly neighbors and to be aware of pets’ needs also during the extreme cold weather.

The wind chill index at 11 a.m. was 4 degrees in Wyandotte County, with a temperature reading of 18.

Tonight, the temperature is predicted to be a low of 5 degrees, with a wind chill of minus 7 to zero.

Cold weather will continue on Wednesday, when the wind chill may be between minus 6 and 4.