Changes approved for KCK animal ordinance

Changes to the animal ordinance were among the items passed Thursday at the Unified Government Commission meeting.

With no discussion of the items, the commission approved final changes for the animal ordinance that had been discussed and received preliminary approval last month. The changes came back to the commission for some changes in language.

A total of three dogs and three cats will be allowed under the ordinance – a change from the previous limit — and no change was made to the ban on pit bulls in Kansas City, Kan. There are new definitions for dangerous and vicious animals, and penalties are outlined in the ordinance.

To view the changes in the animal ordinance, visit the meeting agenda online at

Several zoning changes were approved at the meeting, as well as a $34 million bond issue for the Village West Apartments project at 110th and Delaware Parkway, and a $23 million bond refunding.

The commission also received a plat of Central Industrial Park, to be developed at Kindleberger Road and Fairfax Trafficway.
The appointment of Tyrone Garner to the Housing Authority Board also was approved.