Catholic Charities opens Hope Distribution Center

Catholic Charities is celebrating the opening of its new centralized food distribution center at 6 p.m. Aug. 14. The Hope Distribution Center is at 1708 Steele Road in Kansas City, Kan.

This event will include a blessing by the Most Rev. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, a ribbon-cutting ceremony by the Kansas City, Kan., Area Chamber of Commerce, and comments by community leaders, including Mayor Mark Holland. Tours and a reception will follow.

The Hope Distribution Center will ensure a balanced inventory of food for the organization’s nine food pantries as well as distribution to the 21 counties it serves, including food-insecure rural areas. Thanks to the support of many, the center will be able to accept fresh food items, USDA commodities, and other large-scale donations that require docking. It will also increase distribution to nearly 300,000 pounds of food per month.

Founded in 1956, Catholic Charities is a faith-based, non-profit organization that offers a wide range of programs and service to the less fortunate. The agency serves to help to people of all faiths by stabilizing and strengthening individuals and families in need across the 21 counties of Northeast Kansas.