Gov. Kelly issues statewide ‘stay-at-home’ order until April 19 for Kansas to limit spread of COVID-19

Gov. Laura Kelly announced on Saturday that a temporary stay-at-home order would be implemented for the entire state of Kansas beginning at 12:01 a.m. Monday, March 30, and lasting until at least April 19 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an announcement in Topeka, and carried on the governor’s Facebook page at, the governor announced a “stay-at-home” order similar to the one already in place for Wyandotte, Johnson, Douglas, Leavenworth and Sedgwick counties. Twenty-two other states also have issued temporary “stay-at-home” orders.

Wyandotte County has 47 positive COVID-19 cases and three deaths related to COVID-19 as of Friday, according to information from the Unified Government Health Department. The state of Kansas reported 202 positive COVID-19 cases on Friday morning.

“I know this is hard, and I can’t tell you how much I wish it weren’t necessary,” Gov. Kelly said. “But we have a small window to ensure that Kansas does not suffer the same terrible fate of other hard-hit states like New York and Missouri. We’ve all got to do our part to help stop the spread of the disease. Stay home. Stay Safe.”

More than half the state’s population already is under “stay-at-home” orders, she said.

Under this state order, residents will stay home unless going to work at an essential job, or performing an essential task such as obtaining food, medication or other household necessities. Residents may go out to seek medical care, caring for children, pets and family members. Exercising outside is allowed, six feet apart, but the maximum limit of any group is 10.

There are provisions for businesses and their operation in the new order announced today, that are similar, with some differences in the details, from earlier orders in Wyandotte County. While there are essential businesses and functions specifically mentioned in the order, people in nonessential businesses can continue to work at home if they can.

The state order will supersede all local orders, according to the language in the document, meaning that the Wyandotte County “stay-at-home” orders will no longer be in effect on March 30, but are replaced by the state “stay-at-home” orders. The local orders will still be in effect Saturday and Sunday. When the state order ends April 19, the local orders will resume again if there is still time left on them, such as Wyandotte County’s order, which ends April 23.

State health officials on Friday morning reported that positive COVID-19 cases had climbed to 202 in Kansas, and they projected cases to reach about 900 by March 31 in the state, Gov. Kelly noted.

The Wyandotte County order has been in effect since Tuesday, March 24, with an end date of April 23. The local order will continue after the state order is lifted April 19.

The governor said the state’s first position will be to let Kansans monitor themselves with the “stay-at-home” order, but local law enforcement can act concerning those not staying at home.

About 24,000 people have filed for unemployment in Kansas just in the past week, a rate that is about 12 times higher than the past unemployment numbers, Gov. Kelly said. She commended efforts in the federal stimulus and relief legislation passed Friday to help alleviate the needs of those who are unemployed. Also, action has been taken to extend the number of weeks people are eligible for unemployment benefits.

Gov. Kelly said the state will scale up its COVID-19 testing capacity as quickly as possible. She said there are indications that there are positive cases everywhere, not just in Wyandotte, Johnson and Sedgwick counties.

The state is expected to re-evaluate the order around April 19 to see if it should be extended.

Vulnerable hospitals, including rural hospitals, need more time to prepare, and this order is expected to protect those hospitals and their workers by giving them more time, she said, as well as protecting residents from COVID-19.

Kansas has not received as much personal protective equipment from the federal government as it wants, and the state will continue to press the federal government for more equipment, she said.

At the same time, Kansas is working with private companies in the state to produce more protective equipment, she said.

According to the order, no one will need to carry papers or documents saying they are allowed to perform a function or activity. Law enforcement officers are asked to use their discretion and consider the totality of the circumstances as they determine appropriate enforcement action, according to the state order released today.

Also, prior approval is not required for those listed as performing essential functions in the order. “Those who are uncertain whether they perform functions exempted from the prohibitions of the order may email [email protected] to determine whether their functions are deemed essential,” the order stated. The order specifically lists the functions that are “essential.”

Gov. Kelly’s “stay-at-home” order, Executive Order No. 20-16, is online at

To see the video of Gov. Kelly’s “stay-at-home” announcement, visit Facebook page at

To see a news release about the governor’s “stay-at-home” order, visit

More information is on the website of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment at

COVID-19 cases in Kansas top 200

Statewide COVID-19 cases in Kansas increased to a total 202 on Friday morning. (KDHE graphic)

Wyandotte County cases increase to 43

COVID-19 cases in Kansas have increased to 202 on Friday morning, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE secretary, said in a news conference on Friday that Kansas is beginning to see COVID-19 spread to more counties throughout the state.

Wyandotte County was reported at 43 cases Friday morning, compared to 34 cases reported Thursday morning, an increase of 13 cases. The total increased to 46 by Friday evening, according to the UG’s website.

The third COVID-19 related death in Wyandotte County was reported Thursday evening.

Johnson County reported 66 cases on Friday morning, as compared to 59 cases on Thursday morning, according to KDHE statistics.

Sedgwick County, including the Wichita area, reported 20 cases Friday morning, while Douglas County, including the Lawrence area, reported 14 cases. Leavenworth County reported 12 cases. Shawnee County had 5 cases.

As expected, the population centers, Johnson, Wyandotte, Douglas and Sedgwick counties, have had the most cases at this point, Dr. Norman said. But it is spreading out now, even into western Kansas, he added.

He said he was hopeful that the peak would be reached by mid-April, perhaps by April 24.

He said residents need to stay home and maintain social distancing. If they do that, then perhaps the coronavirus will peak in mid-April.

“Vigilance needs to remain high,” he said.

He said he saw some residents washing their cars at a car wash in Shawnee County, and that was not a necessary function.

“This is not about gaming the system and playing with the words to skate around the exemptions,” he said. “It’s about staying home and staying out of harm’s way.”

Currently Kansas is not doubling every three ofr four days, which is encouraging, according to Dr. Norman. He would not be surprised if the state had 900 to 1,000 patients eventually. It would be a higher number if the residents do not follow the guidance of staying home and social distancing.

He said some have indicated the changing of the seasons and warmer weather also could contribute to a fall in the disease rate, however, it could be back in the fall.

The state’s lab is getting more equipment this weekend to allow to to test more, he said. Friday’s results showed 135 private lab positive tests and 67 state lab positive tests.

The state lab now is able to handle about 175 specimens a day, he said.

There are efforts underway for more testing in different locations, he said.

KDHE also receive two semis full of protective equipment from the national stockpile and will be able to fill requests from 25 counties for more equipment, he added. The state will soon tap out its entire allotment, and will be looking for ways to get more supplies in the future, including possibly companies that would manufacture it.

At another news teleconference on Friday, doctors at the University of Kansas Health System emphasized the importance of staying home, and they also talked about increasing telehealth visits with patients.

Dr. Steve Stites, chief medical officer at KU Health System, said that Chinese medical professionals have reported that those health care workers who used proper personal protective equipment did not catch COVID-19. He said that was important to know as local health officials now believe they are on the ascending side of the curve in the Kansas City area.

If the Kansas City area has a 5 to 20 percent surge in cases, then they will be well prepared, he said.

“New York got stretched because they had so many people hit so fast,” he said.

The difference in activity rate accounts for some of the larger numbers of New York cases, Dr. Stites believes.

“It’s all about staying at home,” Dr. Stites said. “If people will stay at home,” he said. “then you will flatten the curve and have enough personal protective equipment. If we don’t, we’re all going to suffer the consequences of that.”

Dr. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of infection prevention and control at KU Health System, said there are 18 positive COVID-19 patients currently at the hospital, including 10 in the intensive care unit, and six are incubated.

He said they are stressing training and good hand hygiene. Proper hand hygiene and keeping hands away from the face continue to be effective ways to stop the spread of the disease.

Dr. Keith Sale, vice president of ambulatory services at KU Health System, said the health system is ramping up telemedicine to serve outpatients. They will be able to stay at home and stay safe while still receiving medical advice through video conferences or through other means such as the telephone.

To view the KDHE news conference, with more detailed information, visit

To view the KU Health System news conference video, with more detailed information, visit

The Kansas COVID-19 website is at

The UG’s COVID-19 response website is at

COVID-19 information from the CDC is at

COVID-19 cases by county in Kansas on March 27. (KDHE chart)

Third Wyandotte County death related to COVID-19 reported; Health Department trying to get ahead of pandemic

Wyandotte County now has a third death related to COVID-19 and a new total of 37 positive cases, according to Terrie Garrison, interim director of the Unified Government Health Department.

She made her report at the 6 p.m. Thursday meeting of the UG Board of Health at City Hall. The numbers of patients were updated from earlier in the day.

Garrison said the Health Department staff has worked hard to get ahead of the pandemic in Wyandotte County.

“It’s only been 14 days since the very first case of COVID-19 hit Wyandotte County, and there have been so many strides taken in such a very short amount of time,” she said.

Nineteen of the cases had to be hospitalized, according to Garrison.

The Health Department set up a self-report website for Wyandotte County residents, where individuals can report their symptoms and the severity of the symptoms.

Within 24 hours, medical students and residents get in contact with the individuals who have self-reported, she said. They assess the symptoms and decide if it is probably COVID-19, she said.

There are currently 37 lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 cases here, and another 37 probable cases out of the 84 that were self-reported, she said.

The Health Department also is monitoring the spread with the self-reports because they are not getting as heavy testing as they would have liked at first, she added. The self-reports are allowing them to monitor the epidemiological spread in the county of the possible cases, she said. When the COVID-19 outbreak started here, there was a shortage of tests.

The University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas, reported this morning that they had 27 tests that were pending, 16 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the hospital, including four in intensive care unit and two on ventilators, Garrison said.

“We are continuing to do contact investigations with all of our known positives, as well as finding out who they’ve been in contact with, where those contacts have been, and trying to do the self-quarantining individuals who have a possibility of having the COVID,” she said.

Dr. Allen Greiner, who issued the stay-at-home orders on Tuesday for Wyandotte County, said he and other staff were pleased with the results.

They have received many questions about the orders, and the police department now has put up a full-time call-in line from businesses to determine what are essential activities and essential businesses, he said. Many have asked if they needed to carry some sort of letter, and he has told people they won’t be stopped if it is necessary.

It is something they want people to evaluate for themselves and their businesses and make smart decisions to protect their customers, clients, employees, families and themselves, as well as the community at large, he said.

He said the Health Department went out to visit funeral homes Thursday, after being asked questions, and the department is offering guidance.

In answer to a commissioner’s question, Dr. Greiner said that mortuary services have to continue, but the Health Department wants to have only a maximum of 10 persons in a funeral home for a service. He said one funeral director asked a large number of family members in a parking lot to disperse, to keep the number under 10.

Other facilities wanted to rotate with 10 persons coming in, then going out after a short while, with another 10 coming in.

“We made it clear it was not appropriate under the order,” he said. He added that would expose a lot of people to risk.

Dr. Greiner said they will be working in the next day or two to get a guidance document completed, so that all the funeral services will have the same guidelines.

“The primary thing we’re trying to avoid with all this is what we’re hearing is happening in New York, where the health care system just gets completely overwhelmed,” he said.

He said there are lot of serious cases coming out of a small number of total cases, and they know this community is vulnerable, so they have been working closely with both hospitals here. Pre-planning at both hospitals has been really strong, he said. There are fears about whether there will be adequate personal protective equipment, he said.

“But if we can keep the numbers down as we hope to with the stay-at-home order, there should be capacity to take care of the sick folks that need it,” Dr. Greiner said.

He said there has been good movement the last four to five days to increase testing capacity in Wyandotte County and two hospitals. The Health Department is trying to assist and get more drive-through testing started, he said.

KU Hospital started testing in its own labs two days ago, he said, which is helping to reduce their backlogs. They were previously sending tests out and waiting about four days to get results back. That became a problem, as they were using a lot of the disposable personal protective equipment, which has been in scarce supply, while waiting four days. Now the turnaround is about 10 to 12 hours with their own lab, he said.

He added there are plans to launch a downtown testing site. They will pursue some grant funding from local foundations.

In answer to a question, Dr. Greiner said KU Hospital reported that 80 to 90 percent of the tests the past two weeks had come back negative.

Dr. Greiner said that Dr. Erin Corriveau, from KU Medical Center, has been helping the past 10 days.

Juliann Van Liew, planning and operations manager at the Health Department, said the UG Health Department has developed a website with information for residents and businesses.

It has a section for Wyandotte County residents to self-report symptoms. She said many residents said they appreciate a call within 24 hours from a person that provides them with some guidance on what to do.

The UG also has a section for persons to report a need for food. Some patients with COVID-19 symptoms are isolating at home and cannot go out to get food, and other persons have lost jobs and cannot afford it. The requests will be funneled to Cross-Lines Community Outreach agency and volunteers will start taking food to those who need it on Friday, she said. Other agencies may get involved in the assistance effort, also.

Those who want to volunteer or donate funds may also leave their names on a section of the website. That information will be funneled to agencies in the community.

The UG launched a “dashboard” page on its COVID-19 site with updates, a map and a graph earlier Thursday, and it will be updated every evening, she said.

Dr. Erin Corriveau said they had heard from the 211 telephone line that calls are up about 300 percent.

Cross-Lines has reported they were usually helping 35 families before COVID-19 and now they are assisting about 160 families.

“That increase is real and we’re seeing that now,” she said. “There s a real concern for the supply of food.”

They are asking for donations and writing grants to get funds for food for people in the community, she said.

The Health Department also is working with multiple homeless agencies including the Greater Kansas City Committee to End Homelessness to secure a quarantine facility where homeless individuals who may be positive for coronavirus can stay there safely, away from others, and not pass the virus on, she said. The shelter would have about 50 beds with showers. A formal proposal has been written, she said.

Last week it was rare to get a call, but there is currently a big uptick in calls for shelter space, she added.

Janell Friesen, public information officer for the Health Department, reported the UG is trying to get the word out in different ways about COVID-19, including through the news outlets, the UG newsletter, social media, videos, and other methods. In the future they are considering sending out a postcard to reach residents. Fliers, posters and cards also are being produced.

Besides information, the UG’s COVID-19 website is posting employment with a link to the Workforce Partnership, as many persons have lost jobs or have fewer hours, she said.

Individuals may access more information about the stay-home orders through the frequently asked questions pages on the website, she said. The orders also are posted there.

At the 7 p.m. meeting, the UG Commission approved a resolution allowing the UG administrator or the chief medical officer to appoint one or more deputy medical officers in response to COVID-19.

To see a video with more information from this UG meeting, visit

The UG COVID-19 page is at