RideKC to hand out masks Tuesday

RideKC will be at high ridership transit centers andbus stops on Tuesday, June 30, to provide riders with thousands of free reusable cotton masks.

Under a new mask order from Kansas City, Missouri, face coverings are required on RideKC buses and on the KC Streetcar. In Wyandotte County, a mask order goes into effect at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

RideKC will give away masks at these locations on Tuesday:

• Boardwalk Transit Center 6-8:30 a.m.
• Grand at 12th, 9-11 a.m.
• 31st and Prospect, 9-11 a.m.
• 10th and Main, 9-10:30 a.m.
• 47th and State Ave., KCK, 9-11 a.m.

Similar mask orders will be going into effect on Friday, July 3, throughout the state of Kansas.

“Safety is our top priority,” said Robbie Makinen, KCATA CEO. “This public health crisis requires flexibility on the part of our riders and our operators. It is a small step to take to ensure the health of everyone.”

RideKC received the masks from the Federal Transit Administration for distribution to customers. Research has shown that wearing a cloth mask or other face covering helps prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially when social distancing may be difficult. These masks can help keep area residents and employees healthy.

Positive COVID-19 cases increase by 98 in Wyandotte County

Positive cases increased by 98 on Sunday, according to the UG COVID-19 webpage. (From UG COVID-19 webpage)
A seven-day rolling average of positive cases in Wyandotte County showed an increase in the past few weeks. (From UG COVID-19 website)

Positive COVID-19 cases in Wyandotte County increased by 98 on Sunday, according to the Unified Government’s COVID-19 webpage.

Total cumulative cases were 2,191 at 1 p.m. Sunday compared to 2,093 at 1 p.m. Saturday. Probable cases increased from 83 to 93, according to the website. There were no increases in deaths since Saturday. There were 616 cumulative total recoveries.

With cases increasing, Wyandotte County will make a transition to mandatory mask-wearing at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, according to a health order.

Cases in Zip Code areas

COVID-19 cases by Zip Codes in Wyandotte County showed the highest number in Zip Code 66102, which had 593 cases and 8 deaths. (From UG COVID-19 wbpage)

The UG COVID-19 website showed:

• Zip Code 66102 had 593 confirmed cases and 8 deaths;
• 66104 had 348 confirmed cases and 13 deaths;
• 66112 had 281 confirmed cases and 44 deaths;
• 66109 had 236 cases and 7 deaths;
• 66106 had 234 confirmed cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 or under);
• 66101 had 241 confirmed cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 and under);
• 66103 had 88 cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 or under);
• 66105 had 81 cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 or under);
• 66111 had 44 cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 or under); and
• 66012 had 48 cases and 0 deaths (deaths are not recorded if 5 or under).

Pop-up tests offered

Free COVID-19 pop-up tests are planned on Monday and Tuesday. (From UG COVID-19 webpage.)

Free pop-up COVID-19 tests will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, June 29, at Oak Ridge Baptist Church, 9301 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas. The pop-up tests are offered trough the Wyandotte County Health Equity Task Force, in conjunction with the Health Department.

Another pop-up test is planned from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1086 N. 94th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

An appointment is not necessary. Those who have COVID-19 symptoms or people who may have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 can be tested.

The UG Health Department also offers COVID-19 testing from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Health Department parking lot, 619 Ann Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The free tests are for people who live or work in Wyandotte County and have had symptoms in the past 48 hours.

For more information about COVID-19 testing, including other sites, visit https://wyandotte-county-covid-19-hub-unifiedgov.hub.arcgis.com/pages/what-to-do-if-you-think-you-have-covid-19. Residents also may call 3-1-1 for more information about testing.

The UG’s COVID-19 information page is at https://alpha.wycokck.org/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Information.

The state’s COVID-19 test page is at https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/280/COVID-19-Testing

Residents may visit the UG COVID-19 website at https://alpha.wycokck.org/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Information or call 311 for more information.

Wyandotte County is currently under Phase 3. See covid.ks.gov.

The state plan’s frequently asked questions page is at https://covid.ks.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Reopening-FAQ_5.19.2020_Final.pdf.

The CDC’s COVID-19 web page is at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.

WIC services to be offered by phone in Wyandotte County through July 31

All Wyandotte County WIC services will be offered by phone through at least July 31, according to an announcement by the Unified Government.

Normally some WIC services must be completed in person, but this requirement has been waived due to COVID-19, a spokesman stated.

A waiver was issued at the national level earlier this spring removing the physical presence requirement temporarily. The previous waiver was scheduled to end June 30, but the USDA approved an extension due to the continued threat of COVID-19.

“A parent shouldn’t have to choose between reducing COVID-19 risk and getting healthy food for their children,” said Ashley Lause, WIC coordinator with the Unified Government Health Department. “We are so happy to be able to offer resources by phone to help families stay healthy, while also keeping them as safe as possible from this virus.”

“We know that COVID-19 has put incredible strain on our community members. Many people have lost their job or are under other stressors to their finances and the wellbeing of their families. WIC is here to ensure that community members who are pregnant or have young children can put healthy food on their table,” Lause said.

WIC services available
Health Department WIC staff are equipped to serve both existing and new clients by phone. Staff are equipped to offer the following services by phone:
• Issue WIC benefits
• Complete WIC certifications
• Provide nutrition education
• Provide guidance on getting WIC-approved products if there are grocery store shortages

Wyandotte County residents may be eligible for WIC services if they are pregnant or have children under the age of five. Residents can access WIC services by calling 913-573-6720 or emailing [email protected].

More COVID-19 information and resources can be found at wycokck.org/COVID-19 or by calling 3-1-1.

  • Information from the UG Health Department