Nelson R. Gabriel is a Democratic candidate for the 35th District of the Kansas House. He recently responded to a Wyandotte Daily election questionnaire.
The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 4. Early voting is ongoing in Wyandotte County, and voting by mail also is available.
Age: 52
Occupation and experience
• President and CEO, Made Men Inc.
• Former Louisiana Democratic Representative (House District 90B)
• Former President and CEO, Unity in the Community
• General Education Diploma (Texas Department of Education)
• Attended Donnelly College
• Attended Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong
• Member, Southern Christian Leadership Conference
• Lifetime Member of NAACP
Reasons for running
I am running for election as Kansas State Representative – District 35 because I have lived in the district for 20+ years and know the challenges the district faces. In our district we have many residents that have no healthcare, which is so crucial during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our education system is suffering from inadequate funding to pay our teachers a good wage, and our kids the necessary tools for a quality education. 30% of Wyandotte County do not have a high school education, and specifically, within our district 46% are without a high school education. Daily, through my nonprofit organization, I work with and assist many children and families in child welfare to connect them with churches and community services to ensure that our kids have the resources needed to have a normal life, and a loving home.
I am also running because I have been disappointed by lack of engagement and accountability from my opponent. He has failed to do his part to attract the partners and resources to spur new economic development and to revitalize our neighborhoods and businesses.
What are the three most important issues facing this elected office and how would you handle them?
Expanding Medicaid: I will work to build a consensus to expand Medicaid for 8,736 uninsured residents of Wyandotte County that will improve access to care, create economic impact and job creation. During this campaign, I recently spoke with a lady who needs treatment, but has a Medicaid waiting period that would be immediately resolved with the expansion of Medicaid.
Education: Education is the best investment we can make for our children. I will work to ensure that our schools have the best funding possible, and work with our local school board leaders, administration and parents to hear and bring their concerns back to Topeka, with hopes of being their elected voice. Additionally, we have seen a decreased amount of support from our state when it comes to funding our public institutions of higher education. The burden of costs has been shifted to students. I hope to continue to be an advocate to speak up for increased investment of state dollars into higher education.
Child Welfare: Within the overall child welfare crisis in the U.S., there exists an acute problem of racial disproportionality that adversely affects children of color. Black/African-American children, particularly those living in under-resourced communities such as Kansas City’s urban core, are disproportionately involved in foster care. For example, black children make up 6% of the total population of children in Kansas, but they constitute 14% of all children in foster care. A rate higher than 1 signifies an over-representation in foster care – a major problem – but one that is solvable. If elected, I will continue to work with social service agencies, churches, and our community to ensure that all our kids have more than enough.
If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office. If you are not an incumbent, what would you change if elected?
• Fresh perspective: I will use my time in office to be part of active change, not get comfortable for the next 20 years. I will be an active participant in bills that affect the community, sponsor at least 1 bill taken from the voice of my community.
• Collaborative: I will seek partnerships with those willing to work with me to bring new resources, partnership, and innovation to our community.
• Visible: I will have a district office that is accessible to the public and a model for initiative and progress. It is very important to be visible in our community to hear and understand the needs of those we have been elected to serve.
• Accountable: I will provide regular communication to my constituents via email, newsletter, townhall and social media to bring the work of Topeka home to the people it affects the most. I will not sit passively and watch our community struggle. I will work every day doing my part to make sure people prosper.
Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?
Yes, 1987 I ran for Louisiana Democratic Representative (House District 90B) and won, becoming the youngest elected official in both the state of Louisiana, and the United States of America.