Weekend campaigning

Several candidates and public officials, including State Board of Education member Janet Waugh, participated in the Turner Days parade on Saturday on South 55th in Kansas City, Kansas. The State Board of Education election for the 1st District is in 2022. The general election for local contests is less than a month away, on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Voter registration closes on Tuesday, Oct. 15, and advance voting by mail starts Oct. 16. Advance in-person voting begins Oct. 26. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Several candidates and public officials, including State Sen. Pat Pettey, D-6th Dist., participated in the Turner Days parade on Saturday on South 55th in Kansas City, Kansas. The election for the 6th Senate District is in 2020. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Several candidates and public officials, including Commissioner Angela Markley, participated in the Turner Days parade on Saturday on South 55th in Kansas City, Kansas. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Several candidates and public officials, including Dave Lindstrom, a candidate for U.S. Senate, participated in the Turner Days parade on Saturday on South 55th in Kansas City, Kansas. The Senate election is in 2020. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Several candidates and public officials, including U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., participated in the Turner Days parade on Saturday on South 55th in Kansas City, Kansas. The 3rd District congressional race is in 2020. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Candidate forum to be Oct. 14-15 at KCKCC

A candidate forum will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14, and Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Kansas City Kansas Community College.

The forum is sponsored by Business West and other neighborhood associations, KCKCC and the Wyandotte Daily Online.

The forum will be in the upper Jewell building at KCKCC, 7250 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

Candidates for the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education (District 500) and the KCKCC Board of Trustees were invited to the Monday, Oct. 14, forum.

Candidates for the Board of Public Utilities, Register of Deeds and Unified Government were invited to the Tuesday, Oct. 15, forum.

The forums are not debates.

Candidates will have two minutes to make introductory remarks, then panelists will ask them questions. Then candidates will have one minute to make a closing remark.

The forum will be taped and replayed on the KCKCC public access channel, including on cable television and on YouTube.

Candidates meet-and-greet at Klamm Park

Candidates for several offices on the ballot on Nov. 5 in Kansas City, Kansas, met voters at an event Saturday at Klamm Park, Cleveland Avenue and North 22nd Street, Kansas City, Kansas. The event was sponsored by the candidates. (Staff photo)
Attending a meet-and-greet event on Saturday at Klamm Park were, left to right, Christian Ramirez, who is running for Unified Government commissioner, 2nd District; Brandie Armstrong, who is not a candidate; Tscher Manck, who is running for Wyandotte County register of deeds; LaRon Thompson, a candidate for Board of Public Utilities, 1st District; and Gary Bradley-Lopez, a candidate for the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education. (Staff photo)
Candidate Jammie Johnson, left, running for the Kansas City Kansas Community College Board of Trustees; Kevin White; and Randy Lopez, right, running for the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education; attended a candidate meeting-and-greet event Oct. 12 at Klamm Park. (Staff photo)
Frieda Tresvan, left, and Hatti L. Smith, right, candidates for the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education, attended a candidate meet-and-greet event Saturday at Klamm Park. (Staff photo)