Candidate questionnaire: Scott Murray

Scott Murray
Scott Murray

Candidate questionnaire: Scott Murray
Office sought: Commissioner, 4th District, Unified Government

Age: 52

Occupation: Self employed in the transportation industry

Education: Master’s of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa, 2000

Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong: YMCA, Salsa dancing club, U of Iowa Alumni

Reasons for running: My reason for running is to foster change in the 4th District. This district deserves effective leadership that will bring about positive change and real economic development. I am an ambitious candidate who will work to bring a grocery store and family oriented chain stores or restaurants to downtown KCK.

What is your top campaign issue?
I will focus on bringing a grocery store to downtown KCK!!!

There may be budget constraints facing local governments and schools. If you had to make cuts, what would be at the top of the list to cut?
As a do-it-yourselfer I would focus on cutting the fat. Let’s get rid of duplicated services and other under-performing segments of the UG and BPU. I advocate running the UG more like a business and less like a bloated government.

If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office. If you are not an incumbent, what would you change?
I am not an incumbent. So, I would change the passive attitude our current commissioner has regarding economic development. Let’s stop sitting on our hands and get busy making something significant happen in downtown KCK. Are we tired of waiting and waiting and waiting?
What is the difference, on the issues, between you and the other candidates running for this office?
As a City Planner I have reviewed over $1 billion in projects. I know what works and what doesn’t! I am a man who leads by example and is not afraid to get my hands dirty, literally, to get the job done! The time for action is now!

Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?