Candidate events scheduled

A few candidate forums or meetings where candidates speak have been scheduled. The primary election is Tuesday, March 3.

One is at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast, scheduled to meet this Saturday, Feb. 21, at Kansas City Kansas Community College, 7250 State Ave.

The meeting will be in Room 2325-2326, located in the bottom floor of the Jewell Building. Democratic candidates will be invited to speak. The program begins at 9:15 a.m., with the breakfast starting earlier. There is a charge for the breakfast, and advance reservations are requested. The meeting is open to registered Democrats and independents.

For more details on the breakfast, visit

The Kansas City, Kan., NAACP will sponsor a candidate event at 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, in the Bethany Medical Building, second floor meeting room, 21 N. 12th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The Armourdale Renewal Association will hold a candidate forum from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, at the Armourdale Recreation Center, 730 Osage, Kansas City, Kan. Candidates must call in advance to the executive director to register at 913-371-5696.

The Armourdale candidate forum is open to all candidates who are on the ballot. There are the same time limits and rules against debating and opponent bashing that have always been in place at Armourdale candidate forums. It is a Neighborhood Business Revitalization organization forum.

In the event of inclement weather, call the organization in advance or check the organization’s website to see if the event will still be held.

Advance voting by mail has begun, and advance voting in person is scheduled to begin on Saturday, Feb. 21, at two locations in Wyandotte County.

For all the details on advance voting, visit the election office website at
For more information, see the election office’s Facebook page at