Burroughs says new school finance block grant law fails to comply with court order

House Minority Leader Tom Burroughs
House Minority Leader Tom Burroughs

House Minority Leader Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist., today said the new school finance block grant law fails to comply with a court order on funding the schools.

He made his remarks as the school districts that are fighting for more funding filed a court challenge today to the new block grant funding law.

Gov. Sam Brownback signed the block grant bill into law on Wednesday.

The Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools is one of the districts in the lawsuit. The Gannon case has been in the court system since 2010, with the courts questioning whether the state’s funding was adequate and fair.

Burroughs said in a statement today, “I’m not surprised the constitutionality of the governor’s school finance plan is being challenged.

“Last year the courts ordered the state to adequately fund public education; the governor’s plan not only fails to comply, but appears intent on sidestepping the ruling altogether,” Burroughs said.

“Like most Kansans, I am extremely concerned about the future of our children’s education. Our schools, students and communities deserve better,” Burroughs said.

In his statement signing the bill, Gov. Brownback said that a new education funding plan would be developed that “not only provides more money to the classroom but is sustainable, stable and predictable.”