Budget bill that changes governor’s tax plan passes in House

A Democratic budget bill passed the Kansas House today on final action, 76-48.

“I was glad to see the House, on final action today, vote to restore fiscal sanity to Kansas,” stated Rep. Pam Curtis, D-32nd Dist., from Kansas City, Kan.

“I am pleased that a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the Kansas House stood together to pass a comprehensive tax reform package,” Rep. Curtis stated. “While HB 2178 is not perfect and may not be the final product, it is the first step towards restoring fiscal stability in our state. It sends a strong message regarding the House position that the ‘march to zero’ income tax policy is no longer acceptable.”

Kansas reportedly faces a shortfall of more than three-quarters of a billion dollars in the next few years, which led to the change in tax strategy. With the election of several moderate Republicans in Johnson County who pledged to restore some budget cuts, the atmosphere in Topeka has changed.

Gov. Sam Brownback opposed the bill, saying it would increase income taxes and taxes on businesses. He stated on Wednesday he would continue to work to keep taxes low.