Budget, ARPA funding to be considered Thursday by UG Commission

The Unified Government Commission will hold a budget workshop and set the maximum mill levy at 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25.

On the 7 p.m. Aug. 25 UG Commission agenda, the commission is scheduled to vote on an ordinance and resolution to accept $55,383,872 in federal American Rescue Plan funds to the city of Kansas City, Kansas, and $32,132,644 to Wyandotte County from ARPA funds. Much of the funding, $31 million for the city and $11 million for the county, will go toward replacement of local government losses due to COVID-19, according to the proposal.

About $11.74 million is proposed to be spent on immediate needs. Those immediate needs include $5.9 million for public health; $2.37 million for negative economic impacts; $1.6 million for disproportionately impacted communities; and $1.92 million for online processes and technology investment.

The UG has a few years to make decisions on how to spend the remainder of the ARPA funding.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda is a resolution to allocate $1.85 million in local fiscal recovery funds received by Wyandotte County to be used to address and prevent housing insecurity and other negative economic impact from COVID-19 as part of the ARPA.

Several planning and zoning items also are on the 7 p.m. UG meeting agenda Aug. 25, including:

• 1201 N. 98th, change of zone from agriculture to planned commercial district for construction of Camping World.
• 8919 Leavenworth Road, change of zone from single-family and limited business district to planned general business district for a proposed gas station and convenience store, recommended for denial.
• 609 and 611 S. 75th St., change of zone from single family to twofamily district for an existing duplex.
• 617 and 619 S. 75th St., change of zone from single-family district to two-family district for an existing duplex.
• 7852 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for temporary use of land to park salt plow trucks, Loyd A. Clay.
• 2003 ½ to 2005 N. 5th St., renewal of special use permit for live entertainment, Jeffrey E. Hollinshed.
• 5917 N. 123rd St., vacation of electrical utility easement.
• 4501 Douglas Ave., preliminary and final plan review for office warehouse with initial use a laydown area, Mike Sanders with Nampara Properties.
• 4605 Shearer Road, preliminary and final plan review for an office warehouse with the initial use a laydown area, Mike Sanders with Nampara Properties.
• 88 S. 7th St. Trafficway, ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to two-family district.
• 2716 and 2718 S. 53rd St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to two-family district.
• 3860 Bell Crossing Drive, ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to agriculture district.
• 5837 Leavenworth Road, ordinance vacating right-of-way.
• 415 and 417 Stine Ave., ordinance vacating an alley.
• 1110 Merriam Lane, ordinance authorizing aspecial use permit for continuation of a performance auto service shop.
• 3847 and 3848 N. 123rd St., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of a short-term rental – air BNB.
• 4449 Rainbow Blvd., ordinance authorizing a special use permit for a short-term rental – air BNB.
• 734 S. 76th St., ordinance authorizing a special use permit to keep two cows on the property.
• 11827 Marxen Road, special use permit for a home occupation short-term rental – air BNB.
• 3800 Weaver Court, ordinance authorizing a special use permit for continuation of a Homestead Montessori Farm school within a residence.
• Resolution designating UG depositories and eligible institutions for purposes of receiving UG funds for investment and receiving requests for bids for investment of its idle funds.
• A resolution adopting the fourth amendment to the downtown campus development agreement in the 5th and Minnesota area. The amendment reduces the square footage of the Reardon Center, prioritizes the distribution of CID proceeds and extends the deadline.
• A resolution approving the fourth amendment to the KC Foodie Park development agreement, extending planning and construction deadlines. This project is at the former Indian Springs property near 47th and State.
• A resolution approving two agreements on the Historic Preservation Fund Grants. The agreements are with the Kansas Historical Society and State Preservation Office. One grant to the Downtown KCK Historic Commercial District of $21,000, will include $12,500 from the state with federal grant funds, and a local match will come from the UG planning department’s long-range planning budget, including in-kind contributions. Another agreement is for $30,000 for a Downtown KCK Historic Churches Multiple Listings Designation. Of that amount, $18,000 will be from the state with federal grant funds, and a local match will be from the UG planning department’s long-range planning budget, including in-kind contributions.
• The Land Bank includes many properties to be considered at this meeting. The properties are on Hallock, Valley, Lafayette, Stewart, Lathrop, 75th, Freeman, 7th, Troup, Quindaro, Cleveland, Minnie, and 6th. To see a complete list of the properties, see the agenda at https://civicclerk.blob.core.windows.net/stream/WYCOKCK/aa6f9c8fe9.pdf?sv=2015-12-11&sr=b&sig=g2zYjO14v5kk5LaWoqCisHRIKpPNA0K8pOy%2FqCuaYGo%3D&st=2021-08-25T16%3A24%3A12Z&se=2022-08-25T16%3A29%3A12Z&sp=r&rscc=no-cache&rsct=application%2Fpdf.

The 5 p.m. special session and the 7 p.m. meeting will be conducted through a Zoom internet meeting, wit public access available through Zoom, telephone, and from the lobby of City Hall, 701 N. 7th St. The meeting will be shown on UGTV cable television and on YouTube.

The 5 p.m. session is on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82359399700?pwd=aVNDNTZSdFQ5WmxMcXVXbGdHdzB4UT09.
The passcode is 113265.
The Webinar ID is 823 5939 9700.
To connect by telephone, call 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.

The 7 p.m. Zoom meeting is at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85117594728?pwd=QnN3eXl0cGYwM2dHRjFMZ0l2SHl0UT09.
The passcode is 702899.
The Webinar ID is 851 1759 4728.
To connect by telephone, call toll-free 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.

The UG 7 p.m. agenda is online at https://civicclerk.blob.core.windows.net/stream/WYCOKCK/aa6f9c8fe9.pdf?sv=2015-12-11&sr=b&sig=g2zYjO14v5kk5LaWoqCisHRIKpPNA0K8pOy%2FqCuaYGo%3D&st=2021-08-25T16%3A24%3A12Z&se=2022-08-25T16%3A29%3A12Z&sp=r&rscc=no-cache&rsct=application%2Fpdf.