Brownback vetoes Medicaid expansion bill

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback today vetoed Medicaid expansion, stating that it “fails to serve the truly vulnerable before the able-bodied.”

The governor’s statement on vetoing House Bill 2044:

“I am vetoing this expansion of ObamaCare because it fails to serve the truly vulnerable before the able-bodied, lacks work requirements to help able-bodied Kansans escape poverty, and burdens the state budget with unrestrainable entitlement costs,” Gov. Brownback stated.

“Most grievously, this legislation funnels more taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. From its infancy, the state of Kansas has affirmed the dignity and equality of each human life. I will not support this legislation that continues to fund organizations that undermine a culture of life.”

Gov. Brownback’s full veto statement can be found at