Broadway Jazz Club looks at KCK for a possible second location

by William Crum

Not too long ago Kurt Miller, the media representative from the Broadway Jazz Club in Kansas City, Mo., toured Kansas City, Kan.

Miller looked at the Minnesota Avenue area after hearing about the redevelopment that is going on in downtown Kansas City, Kan.

“I’m really impressed with Kansas City, Kan., particularly the downtown area, after all, Kansas City, Kan., is the birthplace of Charlie Parker, the all-time great,” Miller said. “We are currently looking for a possible second location. Right now we are in the process of doing a feasibility study. After we do a feasibility study of the area then I plan to get the current owners and make my suggestion. The people here are great, in fact, I had a great experience here by meeting some of the civic leaders of Kansas City, Kan.”

While he was here, Miller had the opportunity to meet former Mayor Joe Reardon and State Rep. Tom Burroughs.

The Broadway Jazz Club is home for 12th Street Jump, a weekly radio jazz show that is on KCUR public radio which airs every Saturday night at midnight. This is where they tape the show before it goes on the air. The Broadway Jazz Club also is the host for other shows as well, such as the legendary jazz great Bobby Watson with two performances on Nov. 21.

As of now, no definite decision has been made by the Broadway Jazz Club, however Miller is planning to come back to Kansas City, Kan., and meet other civic leaders and local citizens.

For more information on what is going on at the Broadway Jazz Club, visit the website