BPU to stop utility cutoffs

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities is suspending disconnections, according to an announcement today.

According to BPU officials, the BPU will not disconnect utility service for non-payment as customers and communities are facing potential hardship from the COVID-19 coronavirus. This temporary moratorium includes residential and business customers, according to a spokesman.

David Mehlhaff, BPU spokesman, said the BPU made the decision Friday.

Utilities throughout the Kansas City area are implementing similar policies, he said.

Mehlhaff said they don’t know yet how long the disconnect suspension will last.

“This is new territory and new ground for everyone,” he said.

He said that customers do not have to call to request that they not be disconnected; it will be automatic for residents and businesses. However, customers may call to set up other payment arrangements if they are affected.

He said he hoped people would try to stay as current as they can on their bills, even though they won’t be cut off, because their bill will keep accumulating. He did not want them to get in a bad situation down the road.

The BPU also is trying to implement social distancing. The BPU is offering a lot of alternatives for customers to pay bills other than walking into the BPU lobby at 5th and Minnesota, he said.

The BPU has just eliminated the $2 service fee to use grocery store kiosks to pay the BPU bill, he said.

While the BPU lobby will remain open, he said the BPU is encouraging customers to use other methods, such as online payments at www.BPU.com, payments by phone at 1-855-278-2455 using a credit card or checking or savings account, automatic check withdrawal available by calling 913-573-9190, or sending the BPU payment by mail, using a return envelope provided with the bill.

There is a self-service payment kiosk and payment drop box inside the BPU lobby at 540 Minnesota Ave.

There are grocery store pay site kiosks in the Greater Kansas City area, including five in Wyandotte County grocery stores. Their locations are listed at https://www.bpu.com/portals/0/pdf/billing-kiosk-locations-charts-vers-2.pdf.

If anyone has any BPU billing or customer service questions, customers may call 913-573-9190 and a utility representative will assist. Residential customers who are financially impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak can set up payment arrangements by calling 913-573-9145.

BPU has also undertaken a number of steps to combat the spread of COVID-19, including increased cleaning and disinfection of public facing spaces, which includes BPU’s main Customer Service Lobby located at 540 Minnesota Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas, according to the announcement. These efforts also include making available hand sanitizer at the entrance to the facility as well as hand sanitizing wipes near lobby workstations so both visitors and employees can keep these areas continuously cleaned.

The BPU also is sharing information on the importance of undertaking individual efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, including handwashing and staying home if sick. The BPU stated it is closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the steps it can take to help prevent the spread of the virus. BPU will continue to closely monitor this situation and do all it can to protect its customers, employees, and the public, according to the statement.