BPU to meet Wednesday

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities will meet Wednesday, Jan. 20, in a Zoom meeting.

A work session will begin at 5 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m. Jan. 20.

On the agenda for the work session are board updates, general manager updates 2019 employee survey results and the KDHE revolving loan program.

On the agenda at the 6 p.m. regular session are the election of officers, public comments, COVID-19 update, marketing and communications update, Wyandotte County regional hazard mitigation plan adoption, miscellaneous comments and board comments.

The BPU offices are not open to the public currently, in order to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for the safety of BPU customers and employees.

The regular board meeting and work session will be conducted by telephone and through the internet.

To access the Zoom meeting, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84523139724.

The meeting also may be accessed by telephone, by calling toll-free 1-888-475-4499.

The meeting ID is 845 2313 9724.

Board meeting information is available online at https://www.bpu.com/Portals/0/pdf/board-information-packet-1-20-21.pdf.

Members of the community who wish to speak to the board must be logged in to the Zoom meeting via the internet using their browser or the Zoom application. Members of the public will be asked to raise their hand to signal they wish to address the board.

During the public comment section of the agenda, community members will be asked to provide their name and address and will then have 5 minutes to speak.

The Zoom application is free and is available from web browsers at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84523139724.

To raise your hand to speak, click on the “Raise Hand” feature at the bottom of the application or window or press *9 if connected by phone only.