BPU to meet Sept. 16

The Board of Public Utilities will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, in a Zoom and telephone meeting.

On the agenda for the meeting are a visitors’ time, general manager and staff reports, including a COVID-19 update, water main replacement report, Nearman CT4 update, miscellaneous comments and board comments.

The public may access the meeting through the telephone and through the internet. The meetings are not being held in person because of the risk of COVID-19.

The public may join the Zoom internet meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84523139724

The public also may call toll-free 1-888-475-4499.

The meeting ID number is 845 2313 9724.

The board meeting information packet is at https://www.bpu.com/Portals/0/pdf/board-information-packet-9-16-20.pdf.

Those who want to speak to the board must be logged in to the Zoom meeting through the internet using their browser, or the Zoom application. Members of the public will be asked to raise their hands if they want to address the board.

During the public comment section of the agenda, community members will be asked to provide their name and address and will have five minutes to speak.