BPU Ethics Commission seeks applicants

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Public Utilities is still seeking letters of interest and resumes from persons interested in filling a vacancy on the BPU Ethics Commission.

The purpose of the Ethics Commission is to ensure proper implementation of BPU’s code of ethics and to review and report on all violations of the ethics policy, according to a spokesman. The commission meets to deliberate ethical issues and renders advisory opinions concerning questions of ethics, conflicts of interest, and the applicability of BPU’s Ethics Policy.

The commission is made up of five members. The BPU Board of Directors desires that the Ethics Commission represent the diverse population of the community, a spokesman said. The commission must fill one vacancy.

Applicants must live in Wyandotte County. They must be of good moral standing and cannot have been convicted of a felony or serious crimes. All commission members must comply with BPU Ethics Policy, the spokesman said.

The deadline for submitting letters of interest and resumes is April 30.

A search committee will review the applications;

Interested persons should send a letter of interest and a resume to:

Ethics Commission Application
C/o Chief Communications Officer
Board of Public Utilities
540 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101

Letters and resumes may also be faxed to 913-573-9175 or emailed to [email protected]

For further information call 913-573-9173.