BPU engineer receives Black Achievers Award

Phillip Brown
Phillip Brown

Phillip Brown, Kansas City, Kan., Board of Public Utilities civil engineer, was recently named a recipient of the 2016 Black Achievers in Business and Industrial Awards, sponsored by the Southern Leadership Christian Conference of Greater Kansas City and the Black Achievers Society.

This award is presented to African American business professionals in the Kansas City area who exhibit leadership accomplishment, better their community through civic and philanthropic involvement, and motivate others around them to excel.

Brown began with BPU as an INROADS intern for four years prior to being hired as a project engineer in 2009. Most recently, he was promoted to senior civil engineer as a result of outstanding technical and computer skills combined with a positive work ethic and team attitude.

Work and family fulfill much of Phillip’s time; however, he manages to make time for community service. As president of the BPU Employee Foundation he is committed to a number of community activities including an annual Easter Egg Hunt for children; delivering Thanksgiving meals to families in need; collecting donations of personal hygiene products and Christmas gifts for homeless children, as well as serving in a leadership role for BPU’s United Way campaign.

A native of Kansas City, Kan., Brown graduated from Sumner Academy of Arts and Science and continued on to the University of Kansas to receive an engineering degree. He will soon complete a master’s degree in construction management from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. Brown resides in Kansas City, Kan., with his wife of seven years, Gloria, and their 3- and 5-year-old sons.

Story and photo from BPU