Bonner Springs loses 29-7 to Louisburg

Senior running back Brandin Andrew stiff-armed his way through a tackle. Andrew scored Bonner Springs’ only touchdown of the game on a fumble recovery. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)

by Brian Turrel

Louisburg pulled out its bag of tricks Friday night in Bonner Springs, defeating the Braves 29-7.

The Wildcats caught Bonner Springs off guard by starting the game with an onside kick, which they recovered to get an early possession advantage.

Though the maneuver didn’t pay off in points on that drive, it set the tone for a game. Louisburg recovered two onside kicks, faked a punt, scored on a flea flicker, and drew two encroachment penalties with hard snap counts.

The teams traded long but unproductive drives and ended with a scoreless first quarter. In the second quarter, the Wildcats scored first, hitting a field goal after the Braves stopped them at the 6-yard line.

Bonner Springs handed the ball back with less than a minute in the half. Louisburg quarterback Declan Battle appeared to fumble on the second play from scrimmage. Bonner Springs recovered the ball, but the referee had already whistled the ball carrier down.

After a lengthy, heated discussion among the officials and coaches, the players lined up again and on the next play, Louisburg scored a trick-play 80-yard touchdown. The extra point kick was blocked by Bonner’s James Andrewjeski to hold the Wildcats to a 9-0 halftime lead.

The Wildcats scored on a 19-yard pass play after halftime. Louisburg was in a bind at 4th down and 7 yards to go, but used a fake punt to gain a first down and keep the scoring drive going.

Bonner’s only score came on a defensive play in the third quarter. Brandin Andrew recovered a Louisburg fumble and ran it back 20 yards for a touchdown, bringing the Braves within one score at 15-7.

On the Braves’ next drive, they drove the ball with determination, and running back Peyton Parks kept the sticks moving with strong runs. The drive stalled out in the Louisburg end, and an incomplete pass on fourth down handed the ball back at the 32-yard line.

Louisburg pushed the advantage again in the fourth quarter. Bonner safety Wyatt Caldwell knocked running back Ashton Moore out of bounds at the 1-yard line, but the stop was only temporary. The Wildcats earned the touchdown two plays later on a 5-yard quarterback keeper.

The final margin was decided when Bonner gave up a fumble on a late drive, returned by Louisburg for a 29-7 score.

The loss drops Bonner Springs to 1-4. The Braves will play host to the Tonganoxie Chieftains at 7 p.m. next Friday.

Senior quarterback Kaleb Farmer looked down field for a receiver. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Junior safety Wyatt Caldwell dived to stop Louisburg freshman running back Ashton Moore short of the goal line. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Participants in the Bonner Springs Little Cheer program performed a routine after the first quarter. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


The Bonner Springs Dazzlers dance team performed at halftime. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


The Bonner Springs marching band performed at halftime. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


The Bonner Springs cheerleaders performed stunts before the fourth quarter. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Senior linebacker Jermiah Ledbetter brought down Louisburg freshman running back Ashton Moore. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Defensive back Tyler Keltner hauled down Louisburg receiver Jackson Kush after a catch. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Senior defensive end Anthony Fortin closed in on Louisburg quarterback Declan Battle. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


Junior running back Peyton Parks ran around the right side of the line. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)


A hard hit on senior receiver James Andrewjeski prevented a catch. (Photo copyright 2021 by Brian Turrel)