Black history celebration to be Feb. 25

The 30th annual Black History Celebration and Scholarship event will be held virtually on Friday, Feb. 25.

The event will take place at 1 p.m. on Zoom and Facebook Live. The event is online-only. It is coordinated through the Unified Government Black History Committee.

The program will include a conversation about Black health and awareness. Guest speakers will be Nicole Garner, Unified Government Public Health Department operations manager, and Tykeisha Kelly, special education social worker.

Scholarship awards will be presented to students attending Donnelly College and Kansas City Kansas Community College, and will help pay for student tuition, books and fees.

Also at the event, Morris Letcher will be honored for a lifetime of service to the community.

The community business award will go to Anna’s BLD Bistro.

For more information about the free event, visit