Bishop Ward students volunteer throughout community

Bishop Ward High School students volunteered at reStart Inc. on March 10 as part of an all-school service day. (Photo by Kelly Lipovitz, Bishop Ward)

On Friday, March 10, Bishop Ward held its first All School Service Day. All students embarked throughout the community to help serve various organizations and individuals in need.

Students, teachers and administration gathered in prayer before boarding buses and heading to the following sites: Harvesters-The Community Food Network, Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic, Hope Faith Ministries, reStart Inc., Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, and Shawnee Community Services.

Director of Campus Ministry John Williams, who organized the day, said it was a powerful testament to see students and teachers working in solidarity to serve the Lord.

“Today was a great opportunity to put our faith and service into action,” Williams said.

Freshman Jackie Villanueva spent her day at Faith Hope Ministries and said, “It was a fun day! I have never had the chance to experience volunteering as a group before, and I feel closer to my classmates now.”

This day emphasized Bishop Ward’s belief as a school that volunteering can have an incredible effect on a young person’s life now and in the future.

“Teaching our students the value of volunteering will last a lifetime,” Father Tom Schrader, president, said. “Our students are individually active with various projects during the year, but this was the first opportunity for every Alliance to go out on the same day and make a huge impact in our local community.”

Every Bishop Ward student is required to complete volunteer service projects throughout their high school careers. They must earn 32 total legacy points to graduate. The points are determined based on the impact of the project and how meaningful it is to the community.

– Story by Josh Johns, marketing manager, Bishop Ward High School

Bishop Ward High School students volunteered at Hope Distribution Center on March 10 as part of an all-school service day. (Photo by Chris Sinclair, Bishop Ward)

Students from Bishop Ward High School volunteered at Catholic Charities on March 10 as part of an all-school service day. (Photo by Maggie Mohrfeld, Bishop Ward)