Bishop Ward student art to be on display at Alcott Arts Center this weekend

by Josh Sukraw

Many Bishop Ward students will be sharing their creative spirit and energy with the local Kansas City, Kan., community for a month-long celebration at the Alcott Arts Center, 180 S. 18th St., Kansas City, Kan., beginning this weekend.

The opening celebration is at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8, where a variety of works and talents will be performed by different departments from math and Spanish to music, theater, and art.

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. followed by short performances from the Bishop Ward theater and music departments. Refreshments will be served and admittance is complimentary. The public is invited.

Nick Tomasic, Bishop Ward class of 1990, has been leading the art department at Bishop Ward for the last 10 years and was instrumental in organizing this first show.

“We have so many talented students and really look forward to showcasing them,” Tomasic said. “And we thank the Alcott Arts Center for hosting the students of Bishop Ward.”

In May three seniors graduated and are now attending the Kansas City Art Institute. They earned $76,000 in scholarships and are pursuing their artistic dreams.

“Mr. Tomasic has been an inspiration to me and encouraged me to attend KCAI. He would bring alumni to speak to our classes and I learned about the many opportunities to pursue,” said Evan Barclay, of the Bishop Ward class of 2016.

A variety of media will be in the gallery including A Day of the Dead Altar, 2D works as well as paintings, sculptures, drawing, and poetry. There will be a drum solo by junior Jaden Hutchingson and an acting segment by Adrian Cisneros and Natalie Bragdon who will be performing the duo entitled “13 Ways to Screw Up a College Interview” by Ian McWethy.

There will be current Bishop Ward students showcasing their art and talents as well as a young alumni section with pieces from Stephanie Duenas, class of 2010, Evan Barclay, class of 2016, Makynzie Sanchez, class of 2016, and Camille Conner, class of 2016.

Bishop Ward president, Father Thomas Schrader, said he is proud of this art showcase.

“I am so proud of our students and their achievements,” he said. “They deserve to be recognized and this art show is a wonderful opportunity to showcase Mr. Tomasic and our artistic students. Please come out and join us.”

The Alcott Arts Center is not handicapped accessible at this time.

Josh Sukraw is the marketing and social media manager at Bishop Ward High School.