Bishop Ward presents drama, ‘Testing, Testing’ Nov. 10-12

by Josh Sukraw

Almost everyone can relate to the stresses related to standardized testing, which is why the Bishop Ward High School Drama Club’s performance of Testing, Testing by Alan Haehnel is entertaining and relatable.

“Testing, Testing” is a group of comedic one-acts that explore the aspects of school testing. The acts include a comedy about a student who has to deal with inexplicable chaos during an important exam, to a drama that deals with cheating.

The Bishop Ward Drama Club sponsor, Devon Whitton, is excited for the opportunity this production gives to students to expand their acting abilities.

“This show is much different from anything else the students have done and they have been incredibly successful in their endeavor. I’m so proud of all the students and of the final product that we’ve been able to put together,” Whitton said..

The production takes the stage at 7 p.m. Nov. 10, 11 and 12.. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students in grades K-12.

Josh Sukraw is the marketing and social media manager at Bishop Ward.