Bishop Ward notes Vocations Week

by Josh Sukraw

Bishop Ward High School celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week, Nov. 1-7, in various ways. The week was highlighted through discussions in theology class, serving as host for the Serra Club at lunch, and welcoming the religious in the community to a special Mass and reception.

“We watched vocational videos and then discussed how we can discern our vocations through prayer and growing in knowledge of our gifts and talents,” said theology teacher Abby Drath. “It gave students a chance to interact and ask questions about vocational callings.”

A special Mass on Wednesday was held to honor vocations and all religious groups in the community were invited to attend. The Rev. Scott Wallisch of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas gave a special message about vocations.

“We are all called by God to do something special, whether that is getting married and having a family, joining the priesthood, becoming a sister, or living the single life. God has a path for everyone and we shouldn’t be afraid to ask God what that is,” Father Wallisch said.

Bishop Ward High School stays strong to its Catholic roots, dedicating time throughout the year to focus on vocations and help students learn to discern God’s calling.

Josh Sukraw is the marketing and social media manager at Bishop Ward High School.

Bishop Ward High School celebrated Vocations Week recently. (Photo from Josh Sukraw, Bishop Ward High School)
Bishop Ward High School celebrated Vocations Week recently. (Photo from Josh Sukraw, Bishop Ward High School)