Bike shop celebrates Pi Day

Celebrating Pi Day today with Revolve Kansas City, Kan., were back row, left to right, Alexis Flores, Scot Grenerth, Elizabeth Bejan, Andres Ramire, Scott Raymundo Jiminez; front row, Shelia Jones, Andrew Pollock and Dario Rugerio. (Photo by William Crum)
Celebrating Pi Day today with Revolve Kansas City, Kan., were back row, left to right, Alexis Flores, Scot Grenerth, Elizabeth Bejan, Andres Ramire, Scott Raymundo Jiminez; front row, Shelia Jones, Andrew Pollock and Dario Rugerio. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

Revolve Kansas City, Kan., celebrated Pi Day. Fifteen bicyclists from all over the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan area came by Revolve Kansas City, Kan., shop at 554 Central Ave. to celebrate Pi Day.

It is the third year of this celebration. How does eating a piece of pie go together? It is simple; the circle of the pie is similar when cut like the wheel of the bicycle, said Elizabeth Bejan.

A mathematical concept, pi is approximately 3.14159, with decimal numbers continuing, which is behind the idea to celebrate it today, 3-14-15. Pi is defined as the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle, and because of a pun with the word pie, pies are sometimes used in celebrating Pi Day.

Today’s Revolve Kansas City, Kan., Pi Day program is one of many that Revolve KCK offers. Revolve can city Kansas is a not-for-profit organization. There are a lot of bike trails in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area and more are always being developed.

At Revolve Kansas City, Kan., you can take a safety test online and get a used bicycle absolutely free. What a better way to get in shape and explore the many bicycle trails that Kansas City has to offer.

For more information call 816-835-3310 or go to the website