Bank vice president receives certified treasury professional credential

Kimberly Noland

Bank of Labor Vice President Kimberly Noland recently received the Certified Treasury Professional credential.

Nolan, a treasury management officer, is one of a small number of community bank professionals in the region to hold the designation.

Nolan joined Bank of Labor in Kansas City, Kansas, in 2019 and has 15 years of experience in commercial banking, with an expertise in consultative solutions and risk mitigation.

“Kim was already an impressive treasury management professional,” said Alyssa Prasil, Bank of Labor’s division manager of treasury services and operations. “The CTP certification just enhances her ability to help clients choose the smartest ways to maximize their cashflow and mitigate risk.”

According to Investopedia, a website specializing in investing and finance education, CTP designation is considered a notable benchmark for experienced financial professionals.

“Earning the CTP designation allows me to better advise and help organizations and businesses meet their strategic goals,” Nolan said. “Earning the certification took a significant amount of time and effort but it’s important because it demonstrates ethical values and an understanding of complex corporate treasury, cash flow, and risk mitigation for organizations of all shapes and sizes.”

Nolan holds a Master of Business Administration from Pittsburg State University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Kansas.

According to the Association for Financial Professionals, CTP certification measures an individual’s broad-based knowledge and competency in treasury and cash management. To receive certification, several years of work experience, months of preparation and successful completion of an extensive exam are required. AFP reports that there are only 12,000 business leaders with active CTP certification across the world, with 75% in the U.S. and just 35% of those in banking.