Back-to-School Parade and School Supply Giveaway to be Aug. 10

A Back-to-School Parade and School Supply Giveaway is planned at 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, starting at 18th and Quindaro Boulevard, Kansas City, Kansas.

The parade will end around 9th and Quindaro, where a performance by school bands and the Gateway High Steppers is planned.

School supplies will be given away to Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools students and a dance-off will take place at the Parkwood Pool parking lot during the Back-to-School Splash Bash.

The event also features a bounce house, free food and prizes at Parkwood Park.

The event is free and open to the public. Those attending do not need to have proof of residency.

The parade is sponsored by P.R.I.D.E., the Kansas City, Kansas, Chapter of the International Association of Black Professional Firefighters. The grand marshal of the parade will be Commissioner Gayle Townsend.