Quiet weather expected for weekend

Quiet weather is expected this weekend, with seasonal temperatures, according to the National Weather Service.

Temperatures will be in the mid-60s today, Saturday and Sunday, according to the weather service.

On Tuesday, temperatures may rise into the low 70s, the weather service said.

Today, it will be sunny, with a high near 66 and a northeast wind of 3 to 8 mph, the weather service said.

Tonight, it will be mostly clear, with a low of 41 and an east wind of 5 mph becoming calm in the evening, according to the weather service.

Saturday, it will be mostly sunny, with a high near 65 and an east wind of 3 to 6 mph, the weather service said.

Saturday night, it will be mostly cloudy, with a low of 48 and a light and variable wind, according to the weather service.

Sunday, it will be mostly cloudy, with a high near 63 and a calm wind becoming north around 5 mph in the morning, the weather service said.

Sunday night, it will be mostly cloudy with a low of 44, according to the weather service.

Monday, it will be sunny with a high near 66, the weather service said.

Monday night, on Halloween, it will be clear, with a low around 46, according to the weather service.

Tuesday, it will be sunny, with a high near 71, the weather service said.

Tuesday night, it will be clear, with a low of 51, according to the weather service.

Wednesday, it will be sunny, with a high near 70, the weather service said.

Wednesday night, it will be mostly clear, with a low of 55, according to the weather service.

Thursday, it will be mostly sunny, with a high of 70, the weather service said.

Controversial Rosedale high-rise apartment building on tonight’s UG Commission agenda

A controversial Rosedale high-rise apartment building is on tonight’s Unified Government Commission agenda.

Several Rosedale residents turned out at previous meetings to oppose the building at 4601 Rainbow Blvd.

Blair Tanner, the developer, who also owns Woodside Club, has proposed a seven-story, 149-unit apartment building. The project was sent back for more work, and the original 172 units were reduced to 149 units. The building as designed would cast shade during the winter on a few homes, including a home owned by former state Sen. Chris Steineger. Although the design was changed slightly to cast less shade, the project was still being opposed at the Planning Commission meeting by several residents and the Rosedale Development Association. It passed the Planning Commission on a 6-2 vote. (See earlier story at https://wyandotteonline.com/rosedale-area-residents-speak-out-about-high-rise-apartment-proposal/.)

Also on the agenda is a public hearing and an ordinance to adopt the 505 Central redevelopment district project plan. This is a high-rise apartment building on Central Avenue near 5th.

The UG Commission meeting begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, at City Hall, Commission Chambers, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

There are many other zoning items on the agenda, which can be found at https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/Clerks-Office/Agendas-Minutes.

A UG special session will begin at 5 p.m. A closed executive session at 5 p.m. will involve consultation with lawyers regarding litigation.

Also scheduled is a 6 p.m. special session, a presentation regarding the sheriff’s office salary funding.

The public may listen to the meetings on YouTube and UGTV, or through Zoom, or view the meetings at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The Zoom link for the 7 p.m. meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84737713423?pwd=SFc1czc0ajNvcXliRkZMeWJHd21OQT09.

The passcode is 930172.