Accident reported on I-70 near Mill Street

An accident was reported at 10:45 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 26, on eastbound I-70, just west of Mill Street, as a vehicle struck a barrier wall, according to the Kansas Highway Patrol.

A Chevrolet Malibu was eastbound on I-70 and tried to change lanes, according to the trooper’s report.

The Malibu driver did not notice another vehicle in the lane and then overcorrected, the trooper’s report stated. The driver lost control, left the roadway and hit the barrier wall, according to the trooper’s report.

A 28-year-old Topeka woman driving the Malibu had a possible injury and was taken to a hospital, the trooper’s report stated. There also was a juvenile in the vehicle, according to the report.

Residents to meet Wednesday about affordable utility rates

The Safe and Affordable Utility Access for Everyone committee will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30, at the South Branch Library in Conference Room A, 3104 Strong Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The meeting is open to the public.

Louise Lynch, a KCK resident, said there are many people who need food in the community and also are struggling to keep their lights and water on now.

Ty Gorman, a KCK activist who has worked with the Sierra Club, stated on a community invitation that residents should attend and share their experiences.

The group is calling for no Board of Public Utilities shutoffs putting customers at high health risk; separation of electric and water charges from unrelated taxes, fees and fixed costs from the BPU and Unified Government on BPU bills; and no disconnection of water for nonpayment, among other issues.

A sign-up sheet for the meeting has been posted at