Assistant UG administrator to leave for Lawrence position

Melissa Sieben, assistant county administrator, will leave for a new post as director of municipal services and operations in Lawrence, Kanas.

Interim UG administrator Cheryl Harrison-Lee announced Sieben’s resignation during the March 31 UG Commission meeting.

As assistant UG administrator, Sieben led more than 15 city and county departments, developed several major strategic initiatives and has worked with data-driven change within city and county operations.

“I appreciate Melissa Sieben for her commitment to the Unified Government and Wyandotte County,” Mayor Tyrone Garner said. “We wish her the best in all of her future endeavors.”

Sieben’s last day with the UG will be April 20.

Since 2015, Sieben has been instrumental in convening a multi-department initiative to address blight, litter and code enforcement issues through better internal communication and coordination. She developed and launched data dashboards to track the progress of these initiatives and has been an advocate for change and collaboration throughout her tenure.

Additionally, Sieben has been a long-time steward and champion of the KC Levees Project, a multi-billion dollar infrastructure project with the city of Kansas City, Missouri, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to bring much-needed flood protection to neighborhoods along the Kansas and Missouri rivers.

“Ms. Sieben’s public sector experience started long before her tenure with the Unified Government and we extend our sincerest appreciation for the time and commitment she has brought to our community,” said Unified Government Interim County Administrator Cheryl Harrison-Lee.

Prior to joining the Unified Government, Sieben served local governments in Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. She is currently the president of MOARC, the Missouri and Associated Rivers Coalition, and president of the Kansas University City Managers and Trainees Alumni Organization.

“It has been an honor to serve Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS for the past seven years,” Sieben stated. “I have been blessed to work with staff and elected officials that have such a beautiful passion for this community and a positive vision for our future! Working to address community concerns around blight and abandoned properties will be my favorite memory and has invigorated a revitalization of the eastern half of this city. Additionally, securing full federal funding for the raising of the levees along the Kansas River will continue to be one of my proudest moments in public service!”

  • Story from Unified Government