Art show has food and drink theme

Rebecca Tombaugh exhibited a drawing of a chef, based on a student at Kansas City Kansas Community  College, during an art show on Feb. 11 in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, Mo.
Rebecca Tombaugh exhibited a drawing of a chef, based on a student at Kansas City Kansas Community College, during an art show on Feb. 11 in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, Mo.

An art show on Thursday evening, Feb. 11, at Savory Spices in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City, Mo., had ties to Kansas City, Kan.

Artist Rebecca Tombaugh, who is from the Kansas City area and is a freelance writer as well as a former managing editor of the Kansas City Kansan, exhibited pen-and-ink works with a theme of everyday items, including food and drink.

One picture, “The Chef,” was based on a student chef from Kansas City Kansas Community College – Technical Education Center, she said.

She uses calligraphy pens, acrylic ink and airbrush paint to create her “inkings.”

“I find beauty and design in everyday items,” Tombaugh wrote in her artist’s statement. “I like the feeling you get when you walk into a coffee shop; the bustle of the baristas, the calm and soothing chatter, and the aromatic energy.

“Stuff will just catch my eye, like an Oreo cookie,” she wrote. “I took that to work one day, and then before I ate it, of course, I noticed how much detail there was in the little cookie, down to its very edge. So, I had to paint it.”

Savory Spices at 6245 Brookside Blvd., Kansas City, Mo., plans more art shows in the future, she added.