Argentine Middle School wins $10,000 for teaching kids how to code

Computers are everywhere, but fewer schools teach computer science than 10 years ago. Good news is an increase in students here that are learning about computer science.

In one week last year, 15 million students tried computer science as part of the Hour of Code.

All of the more than 550 students at Argentine Middle School are joining in on the largest education event in history: the Hour of Code, Dec. 8-14. Argentine is the one school chosen in Kansas to receive $10,000 from to buy technology for the school, in order to bring these critical skills to all students.

Google, Microsoft, Apple, President Obama, Bill Gates, Shakira and Ashton Kutcher have all backed the Hour of Code. More than 100 partners are coming together to support this global movement. To date, 47 million students have tried the Hour of Code to date. Half were girls. Now the Hour of Code movement is aiming for 100 million students.

Representatives from the Hour of Code presented a $10,000 check to Argentine Middle School on Monday, Dec. 8, and spoke about the importance of bringing computer science into schools.

The Hour of Code is a campaign to prove that regardless of age, race or gender, anyone can learn how to not just consume, but also build the technologies of the future.
– Story from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools