Apartment fire starts when smoking materials discarded in trash bag

A fire truck approached the intersection of Rainbow Boulevard and West 36th Street on Saturday morning on its way to an emergency.

An apartment fire at 4146 Booth at 9:47 a.m. March 15 was caused by careless disposal of smoking materials, according to the Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department.
Crews arrived within 3 minutes of the call to find smoke and fire showing from the top floor of a six–plex apartment building, the spokesman said.
The fire was found on the third floor. It had started on a deck and then extended into the apartment and attic area, the spokesman said.
It was brought under control in 15 minutes.
All occupants had self-evacuated, according to the spokesman.
The fire investigator has determined the fire was accidental, as the resident had discarded smoking materials into a trash bag on the deck, the spokesman said.
The damage was confined to the exterior of the apartment and attic area. The estimated dollar loss to the structure and contents was $50,500, according to the Fire Department. Four apartments suffered water damage.
The Red Cross was called to assist five occupants but all had alternate accommodations, the spokesman said.
There were no injuries.