Answering a reader’s question about cost of convocation

by Rebecca Tombaugh

The cost of the USD 500 Convocation this year was approximately $6,000, say school officials.

Last Wednesday, around 3,500 school staff attended a two-hour convocation at Memorial Hall that included a host of alumni, local and state officials, music and songs. Business leaders were given awards for their financial contributions. In addition, many teachers and staff were recognized for their students’ academic achievements.

The Wyandotte Daily Online on the weekend published a story about the event, and linked it to the paper’s FaceBook page.

“What did that cost?” a reader posted.

The Wyandotte Daily Online asked the same question to school officials. Tammy Dodderidge, communications manager, responded:

“The Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools has established a rich tradition of bringing staff together at the beginning of each school year to celebrate, motivate each other and kick off the school year as a team. Convocation is the one and only time during the year when the entire staff of KCKPS is together in one room. The cost to host Convocation is kept at a minimum, each year. Approximately $6,000 was spent this year on the event.”