Alumni return to share experiences with Bishop Ward students

Alumni returned to Bishop Ward High School recently to share their college experiences with students. (Photo from Bishop Ward High School)
Alumni returned to Bishop Ward High School recently to share their college experiences with students. (Photo from Bishop Ward High School)

by Josh Sukraw
Juniors and seniors at Bishop Ward may have seen some familiar faces on Wednesday, Jan. 7.

A group of 30 young alumni ranging from freshmen to seniors in college came back to their alma mater to participate in an educational forum for their younger peers. This annual forum is sponsored by Anita Gregory and the Counseling Department.

The alumni had the chance to talk about their post high school experiences and adjusting to college life. The alumni came from a variety of different colleges and universities, from state universities to community colleges.

Alumna Madison Lally, class of 2013, mentioned that her science classes at Bishop Ward were structured similarly to college classes and really helped prepare her for university courses.

Matej Batinic, class of 2012, who is attending the UMKC School of Pharmacy, said his introductory college science courses were “almost a review” of the science courses that he took at Bishop Ward. Batninic’s advice for high school students? “Practice time management. Good time management is very important and essential to college success.”

Jon Roblez, class of 2013, talked about switching schools and college athletics. Roblez plays baseball and said that “college is different than high school in coaches and time. You have to dedicate five to six hours a day in working out and practices. The coaches really work with you and you almost development a friendship with them.”

Lally also gave this advice to seniors: “Don’t be afraid of the change, get really excited. Take what comes to you. Put yourself out there and try new things!”

After the alumni had their say, Bishop Ward students were then given the chance to quench their fears and curiosity about post high school life by participating in an open question forum. This gave students the opportunity to ask questions varying from picking a major, financial aid, classes, athletics and roommates.
Josh Sukraw is the marketing and alumni manager at Bishop Ward High School.