Alcott Arts Center to have First Friday event tonight

The Wyandotte Art Association's art show will be on display from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. today, June 5. The show had an earlier exhibit at Alcott in May. (File photo by William Crum)
The Wyandotte Art Association’s art show will be on display from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. today, June 5. The show had an earlier exhibit at Alcott in May. (File photo by William Crum)

Alcott Arts Center (File photo)
Alcott Arts Center (File photo)

The Alcott Arts Center, 180 S. 18th, Kansas City, Kan., will hold a First Friday arts event from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. today, June 5.

The Wyandotte Art Association will return for an encore exhibit of the works of 10 artists for this arts event, said Chris Green, executive director of Alcott Arts.

On First Fridays, many art galleries and studios throughout the Greater Kansas City area are open, and this time, the Alcott will also be open, she said.

The Wyandotte Art Association initially held its 50th anniversary art exhibit at Alcott recently, and has extended its show for today only.

Some of the 10 artists will attend tonight’s show at the Alcott, Green said.

There are no other events at Alcott in conjunction with the art display today. The art show is free and open to the public. Some of the art will be for sale.

The Alcott also has other events planned in the next month.

Arts and crafts classes started June 2 and will run through July 30.

The classes are from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The cost of the classes are $5 each, and they are for ages 4 to 15. Parents are urged to bring their children and stay with them through the class. They are working on projects such as suncatchers, pottery, painting, tie-dyeing T-shirts, jewelry, wind chimes, wooden name plaques and holiday decorations.

Alcott also will be the site for “The Robin Hood Files,” a children’s production by Phil Tuffin directed by Katie Lee. This will be performed at 7 p.m. June 13 and 20, and at 3 p.m. June 14 and 21.

Tickets to the production are $8 for general admission, and $6 for children ages 12 and younger and senior citiens.

The cast for “The Robin Hood Files” includes Dani Saunders, Eva Kading, Anthony Cusumano, Dean Foreman, Jenna Bickelhapt, Jesse Cruz, Dakota Garrison, Zoe Green-Lockwood, Isabel Abio, Alyssa Cusumano, Alexander Gerardy, Ivy Gerardy, Josephine Gerardy, Victoria Gerardy and Harley Carolus..

Also, the Alcott plans a second round of auditions from 6 to 8 p.m. June 25 for Alcott’s “Shakespeare I the Parking Lot VIII” production of “Love’s Labors Lost” The play is directed by Susan Proctor and runs Sept. 12, 13, 19 and 20. Auditioners should bring headshot pictures and resumes, and know date conflicts. Auditioners may be asked to read and dance.

For information on all these events and programs, call the Alcott Arts Center at 913-233-2787 or visit The center is not yet ADA-accessible.