Affordable Care Act open enrollment ends Saturday

Open enrollment for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Healthcare 2019 ends Saturday, Dec. 15.

The Community Health Council (CHC) of Wyandotte County is available, free of charge, to help individuals and families living in Wyandotte County who are seeking health insurance and need help to navigate the 2019 Marketplace.

“We help educate people and find a plan that best fits their needs,” said Molly Moffett, Kansas Assisters Network and Project Director Community Health Council of Wyandotte County. “It’s especially important now with new plans coming out that don’t meet ACA guidelines.”
There are five things CHC wants individuals and families to remember:

  1. The ACA still exists
  2. New non-ACA plans may not cover pre-existing conditions or other basic healthcare service
  3. You can still get help paying for insurance
  4. Free local help is available
  5. Open enrollment ends Dec. 15, 2018

Last year, ACA policies were purchased by 5,735 Wyandotte County residents. Approximately 600 people were assisted by CHC during open enrollment.

To schedule an appointment, call 913-735-9008 or book an appointment online at Assistance is available in English or Spanish weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and evenings and Saturdays on demand.