Adventures in Learning to be held Friday, Aug.15

Adventures in Learning, a free program of the Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan., will take place beginning at 9am on Friday, Aug. 15, at Grace Lutheran, 3333 Wood Ave.

The building offers entry-level parking and easy drop off of both people and equipment. Everyone is welcome to attend part or all of the day’s activities. The schedule for Friday, Aug. 15:

9-9:30 a.m.

Health Screenings

Blood sugar and blood pressure checks provided by Delores Homes, LLC (no cost)

9 – 10 a.m.

Registration and Fellowship

Refreshments available while you meet and greet.

9:30 to 10 a.m.

Chair Exercises with Frances/ Delores Homes, LLC

10 a.m. to noon
Enjoy musical entertainment from 10 to noon, and then again after lunch.

Noon – Lunch: Potluck—no charge.

Bring a dish to share. Shepherd’s Center is providing hot dogs, buns, drinks, condiments and paper goods.

RSVPs are appreciated.

12:30 p.m. – More music and fellowship

After enjoying our potluck lunch, there will be music from Debi Ward. Debi has been singing and performing almost her whole life. She currently performs often at Frontier Steakhouse in Kansas City, Kan.

Make a reservation for lunch by calling the Shepherd’s Center office at 913-281-8908.