New COVID county rankings report available in Kansas

A Kansas COVID County Ranking report began this week from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

The report will help local leaders, including county commissioners, track the metrics in their communities and help stop the spread of COVID-19, according to a KDHE spokesman. Testing, case and vaccination rates are included by community.

“I believe that data is a powerful tool we can use to guide our response to COVID-19,” Dr. Lee Norman, Kansas secretary of health, said. “I am hopeful this report empowers action in communities and encourages sharing and implementation of best practices across Local Health Departments. Local leaders and communities are working tirelessly to keep us safe; to help them, helps all of us.”

This report is not a report-card, as multiple factors impact COVID-19 testing, case and vaccination rates in communities, according to KDHE. It brings together the most critical COVID-19 metrics at a local level to help state, county, and local leaders work together to stop the spread of the dangerous COVID-19 Delta variant and keep Kansans safe and keep the economy open, the spokesman stated.

“Over the past 18 months, Kansas counties have worked tirelessly to provide ongoing response and vital resources for county residents to keep them safe and informed on the evolving COVID-19 virus,” stated Bruce Chladny, executive director, Kansas Association of Counties. “And, the county response efforts, including vaccinations and essential messaging, continue as Kansas now experiences yet another surge from the deadly virus.”

Three metrics are reported and ranked across each county:

• Full series vaccination rate of eligible population (12+ year olds)
• 7- day daily average number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people
• 7- day daily average number of COVID-19 tests administered per 100,000 people

Each county’s rankings are added together to generate a total score for the county. The total scores for counties are then ranked from 1-105.

The report will be refreshed three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It can be found on KDHE’s website at Data for the report is provided by the CDC and KDHE.