Thunderstorm moving toward Wyandotte County

A strong thunderstorm is moving toward Wyandotte County and surrounding counties, according to the National Weather Service.

The storm is expected to arrive by 11 p.m. Friday.

At 10:11 p.m., Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Cowgill to near Eudora. Movement was southeast at 30 mph.

This storm has wind gusts up to 50 mph and half-inch hail, according to the weather service.

Gusty winds may knock down trees and blow around unsecured objects, the weather service said. Minor damage to outdoor objects is possible.

If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building, according to the weather service.

Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways, the weather service said.

Frequent cloud-to-ground lightning is occurring with these storms, according to the weather service. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle.

These storms may intensify, keep up with weather information.