Some KCK residents and visitors unaware that mask order is in effect now

Some Kansas City, Kansas, residents, employees or visitors are unaware that a mask order took effect last week in Kansas City, Kansas.

For example, at one restaurant at The Legends Outlets on Saturday, some servers were not wearing masks as they served customers, and only a few customers in the waiting room were wearing masks.

The mask resolution was approved on Thursday evening by the UG Commission, and the resolution passed stated that “This Order becomes effective upon approval of the Board of Commissioners of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS in accordance with K.S.A. 65-201 and remains effective until 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 16, 2021.” Thursday evening was Aug. 5. (See, Sect. 2, No. 2)

The UG Health Department, however, gave residents another day to get their masks on, as it sent out a news release saying the mask order was signed by the UG Clerk and effective at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6.

The mask order is for any indoor public space including businesses and places of worship. Also included are health care settings, as well as public transportation, taxis and ride-share services.

Businesses and organizations in the city limits of Kansas City, Kansas, and the unincorporated area of Loring must require people to wear masks indoors.

Edwardsville, Bonner Springs, and the school districts will make their own rules or resolutions concerning wearing masks and are not covered by the resolution that went into effect on Thursday night.

To see a UG Health Department news release about the mask order, visit

To see the UG Commission resolution about the mask order, visit