Monarchs score 12 runs as they defeat Canaries

The Kansas City Monarchs scored 12 runs on 18 hits Tuesday night to win 12-4 over the Sioux Fall Canaries in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Hitting home runs for the Monarchs were Jan Hernandez, Gabby Guerrero, Colin Willis and Alexis Olmeda.

Eight Monarchs got more than one base hit in the game.

Cody Mincey pitched seven innings for the Monarchs’ win, and reliever Erik Cha stepped in for two innings.

A doubleheader against Sioux Falls is scheduled at 5 p.m. Wednesday in South Dakota. The game will be on the Monarchs Broadcast Network with a pre-game show at 4:35 p.m. and a video stream at

Tickets to Monarchs games can be purchased by calling 913-328-5618 or by visiting

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