UG committees to meet tonight

The Unified Government Neighborhood and Community Development Committee and the Economic Development and Finance Committee are scheduled to meet tonight.

The NCD meeting starts at 5 p.m. and will be accessible on YouTube, cable television, Zoom and telephone.

On the agenda for the NCD meeting will be authorization to apply for two historic preservation grants through the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office. There would be a required match from urban planning funds and in-kind services.

Land Bank applications on the agenda include:
Six single-family homes: 2829 S. 8th St., Maria De Jesus Chavira; 2815 S. 8th St., Maria De Jesus Chavira; 929 Freeman Ave., Cinnamon Campbell; 935 Freeman Ave., Cinnamon Campbell, 1203 Ann Ave., Monica Griffin-Wright; 5705 Tauromee Ave., Nicholas Muder.
One four-plex: 416 Cambridge St., Jesse Pruneda.
Three garages: 1206 Rowland Ave., Guadalupe Adrian Rubio; 1713 Troup Ave., Yancarlos Torres; 2024 N. Tremont Ave., Yuridia Arana.
One commercial-residential, 5320 State Ave., Smith Services.

The Economic Development and Finance Committee starts after the end of the NCD Committee.

On the Economic Development and Finance Committee agenda is a third amendment to the Downtown Campus development agreement. The amendment extends the final date for closing to June 30, 2021, with an automatic extension to July 30, 2021, upon developer’s request. The developer is Lanier United LLC. Most of this development is centered at 5th and Minnesota, at the site of the Reardon Center.

The committee also will set a date for a public hearing on the adoption of a redevelopment project plan for the Rock Island Bridge project. The proposed hearing date is July 1.

In another item, an ordinance is proposed to terminate the 38th and Leavenworth Road Redevelopment District and terminate tax increment financing for that redevelopment district.

Also proposed is an ordinance to terminate the Mission Cliffs-Rainbow Park Redevelopment District and terminate tax increment financing for that redevelopment district. The district is terminating two years ahead of schedule.

The agenda also includes the first quarter 2021 investment report, by Rick Mikesic, county treasurer, and Andrea Parra, deputy county treasurer.

Information on how to connect to the meetings by Zoom and telephone is at