BPU to meet Wednesday

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities will meet Wednesday, April 7.

The meeting will be on the telephone and the internet.

A work session will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday, followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m.

A finance committee meeting will begin at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday.

On the agenda for the work session are a board update, general manager update, vegetation management update and report on the Nearman bottom ash project.

On the agenda for the regular meeting are a public comment time, general manager and staff reports, a COVID-19 update, preliminary February financial report, American Public Power Association RP3 award, Kansas Municipal Energy Agency board appointment, miscellaneous comments and board comments.

The BPU facilities are currently closed to the public to reduce the risk of exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public may access all three meetings through the telephone to listen in and if they have access to the Internet, they can also click on Zoom meeting.

The link to the Zoom meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84523139724

The toll-free telephone number is 1-888-475-4499.

The meeting ID is 845 2313 9724.

The board meeting information packet is at

Members of the community who wish to speak to the board during the regular session must be logged in to the Zoom meeting via the internet using their browser or the Zoom application. Members of the public will be asked to raise their hand to signal they wish to address the board.

During the public comment section of the agenda, community members will be asked to provide their name and address and will then have 5 minutes to speak.